Title: RE: [DUG]: VB (for..each) to delphi

mmm.....yeah I have been wondering this myself, but not really had time to investigate.

Guess you can do something like,

  for x:=0 to MyCollectionThingy.items.count do

From what I can see, it appears that Vb uses the For Each as another way or a nice way to do the above.....


Jeremy Coulter
Application Developer

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-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 11:08 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: RE: [DUG]: VB (for..each) to delphi


<wonders if this is slightly offtopic>
thanks for the reply, but.. it wasn't quite what i
was aiming for. I realise how the for..each is used,
what I was after is how does VB actually DO it. at
this point I am assuming that it uses an (unnamed/
undocumented) Interface to access/enumerate the
Collection. I am trying to find out what this
mechanism is, so that i can duplicate it the 'proper'
way in delphi...


> From: Jeremy Coulter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: RE: [DUG]: VB (for..each) to delphi
> The  "For Each" in VB is used alot for things like
> Collections and or recordsets.

> does anyone know offhand what constructs vb uses in
> order to perform for..each operations, eg:
> <snip>
> ie does it use an IStrings interface or similar? as
> far as i can tell, SFS.SymbolNames has an IDispatch

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