I agree with all the comments made about CORBA.

Yes it can be very thin in terms of network traffic or quite thick.

You can use free CORBA orbs, but then their is an additional learning or
implementation curve instead of using the Visibroker ORB that is integrated
(to some extent) into Delphi - you really need to know C++ or Java to  use a
free ORB - they are only available in these flavours.

Yes there is a learning curve, but their is a bigger payoff (or gain in
productivity) at the end of it and in flexibility - it is more suitable for
Larger projects. 

If you want to make stuff really thin, then you must at some stage cache
data on the users (client) PC and only update it when there is a change in
the same data on the server - this can be very effective for all those
lookup tables that don't change very often - depends on the application to
some extent.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Blomfield [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 8:46 PM
> To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi
> Subject:      Re:  CORBA (was Re: [DUG]:  Thin Database Components.)
> There seemws to be very little mileage in going this way.
> 1. Is this really "Thin" technology is per my earlier goal statement.
> 2. Financially the only winners in this race are Borland. From what I read
> there is absolutely NO financial incentive for me to go down this road.
> Loosly put, anybody including the end user can buy this product at exactly
> the same price as me. It also looks like using this technology puts me in
> a
> competitive situation with Borland rather than a Technology
> supplier/Developer relationship. Please correct me if I am wrong.
> 3. There seems to be a hell of a learning curve, deployment appears
> complex,
> and the overall solution looks very complicated with lots of potential to
> go
> wrong. This looks thin from the perspective that a small app can be
> deployed
> on the client end, but seriously, is the network traffic thin?
> Thanks for the comments anyway.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Vowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Multiple recipients of list delphi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Friday, 3 September 1999 7:50 AM
> Subject: CORBA (was Re: [DUG]: Thin Database Components.)
> Nic Wise wrote:
> > Remember, and Annie will hate me for saying this, but Delphi's CORBA
> > stuff is licenced by the SERVER, not by the CLIENT (MIDAS is different,
> > I think?).
> Stepping into this conversation without actually reading the thread
> (sorry),
> the
> answer to that is no - MIDAS is normally licensed per server as well. It
> gets a
> little confusing - if you buy MIDAS then CORBA capability comes as part of
> the
> package, but you can buy just CORBA on its own if you like. MIDAS can be
> licensed
> per client though, and so can CORBA but it just depends - always talk to
> your
> local Annie. I would be very careful to examine the cost/benefit of the
> situation
> - usually MIDAS and/or CORBA work when you have one of two situations:
> 1) you have a one off which the customer is paying you for and writing a
> marshalling layer (your own layer on top of sockets to move data) and an
> intelligent data manipulation layer would be too expensive for a small
> job.
> This
> would normally occur in a custom built package.
> 2) A package you are writing where you believe that you will sell volume,
> and
> therefore can get volume discounts. Unless you are selling volume, then it
> is
> usually unlikely that you can get them, but each situation differs so
> asking
> Annie
> is a good thing.
> > Get a replacement ORB for Visi - and there are loads out
> > there for free - and your home free - or at whatever cost the ORB ends
> > up being. I haven't tried this - and I dont know of anyone who has - but
> > it SHOULD work, as they all use IIOP as the transport - thats exactly
> > the POINT of CORBA!!!
> Although this is true, there aren't any written in Delphi (have some free
> time
> Nic? <grin>). The one used in Delphi is actually Visi for C++ and it has a
> layer written on top of it. Because of the COM layer, it is heavily tied
> into Visi
> for C++ and thus you are extremely unlikely to be able to place another
> in
> there.
> > IMO, I'd go with Visi unless the cost was THE overriding factor -
> > remember, there are always three things wanted - good (ie, low) price,
> > on time, good (ie, high) quality. You can only ever have 2. :)
> If you are looking at Java ORBs for the server, then there are a number of
> good
> free ORBs around.
> Richard
> --
> Richard Vowles, Senior Systems Engineer,
> Inprise New Zealand
> HTTP: http://www.esperanto.org.nz
> [my messages contain my own opinions, not those of my employer]
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
>     New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                   Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
>     New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                   Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz
    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz

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