Thats EASY to answer!

1) VB comes with all Microsoft Office products, so people have to learn VB
to do anything with MS Office (really)
2) (Even bigger reason) VB comes as part of Select program and was therefore
already there
3) (Even bigger) VB is Microsoft. We have lost accounts _purely_ because of
this factor, when all the developers were saying "Delphi", the board chose
VB, because it was Microsoft.

#2 and #3 are crucial, if a company is focused on Microsoft products then it
does uses VB. ASP uses VB (so web development is mostly done in VB). Delphi
sells best in environments where the products are for sale and therefore
performance is key, or other environments where performance and OO are
important. Most organisations don't care.


----- Original Message -----
> Seriously, I don't really care either way.  Is Kylix really going to take
> off or is it going to be eclipsed by Java?  Is that the right direction
> Inprise?  Inprise should look at its past; Delphi is a great tool (heaps
> better than VB), yet there are more VB developers out there.  One has to
> why?

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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