At 07:48 pm 3/11/00 +1300, Nic Wise said:
>> But if you're presenting data in a scrolling grid
>> doesn't your underlying query result have to
>> contain all the rows?
>first rule of C/S: dont use tables.
>second rule: dont use grids. They are an exceptionally bad UI component with
>anything but paradox-type things. throw MIDAS in there and it works kinda

Tend to disagree with both.

Use tables for smaller lookup tables. These are opened at startup and stay

Grids are useful for viewing data but not for data entry. In Delphi 1,
grids were extremely noisy beasts that sent 20-30 calls to the database
every time you thought about pressing a hey or moving the mouse. This is no
longer the case.

Useful for where the user needs to view and select from a well formatted
list of records such as transactions for a single master.

Where the number of records are very large, say 20,000, then perhaps the
programmer should reduce by selection, but even so, the grid will only
fetch enough to display the records currently shown, fetching others when


Steve Peacocke
(025) 951-251

Dilbert: "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for thou art crunchy and
wouldst taste good with sauce"
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