Nic Wise wrote:
> Yup. Its Java with a few syntax changes. It compiles to byte code like java
> or VB. Its mostly hated, as far as I've seen. Java people dont like it 'cos
> it looks like java, but itsn't. VB people hate it 'cos VB's getting phased
> out and replaced with it. C++ people dont like it 'cos its, well, not C++.
> Its the corner-stone of .net - all examples are in C#, no more VB examples,
> which makes them useless for 90% of the people wanting to use them
> Its only on windows. Its NOT a Kylix Killer :)

Yet.  If it compiles to bytecode then there's nothing stopping Micro$oft
from doing what Sun did with Java all those years ago.  IE: distribute VMs
for different operating system/platforms.  The biggest problem I can see
with that though is that M$ has gotten itself almost uniformly hated by
users of most other platforms, so they don't have the good-will (or at least
lack of ill-will) that Sun did when they released Java.

Regardless, it's still not going to kill Kylix in exactly the same way that
Java failed to kill Delphi/Builder/etc.  It's just another alternative.

Corey Murtagh
The Electric Monk
"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur!"
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