There is enough bugs in TClientDataset that I am able to drive several buses
straight through the code - mostly in the MIDAS.DLL that are going to force
me to write my own version ... (In about 1 months time ...) - since we don't
have the source for the DLL. Pity. Most Borland code is okay, but the D5
version of this cannot have been tested very well - or they chose to ship it
with the bugs (which looks like the case).

The other alternative is to wait for D6 and see if the bugs are fixed -
apparently the bugs still exist in the last beta release according to
someone who paid for a Borland support call and tested against the beta
available at the time.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Brennan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 5:12 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: [DUG]: Problems with CloneCursor

I have a ClientDataset (let's called it cdsPayments) which the user is
entering a list of records (payments) into. Sometimes while they are
entering these payments the user will want to bring up a Find/List screen.
This Find screen queries data related to payments and must exclude some
records based on the ones the user has already entered.

So I need a way of checking the records in cdsPayments without disturbing
it's state (for example the user might be halfway through entering a new
payment - I can't cancel or post this record for them). Obviously I can't
directly use cdsPayments because I can't scroll it while it is potentially
in edit mode. Similarly I don't want to maintain a seperate list of payment
details in a TList etc unless as a last resort.

One solution which seemed promising was to use CloneCursor. This allows
another clientdataset to have another cursor into the same data as
cdsPayments. It works brilliantly - the Find form displays the correct
details, cdsPayments remains in edit mode, destroying the Find screen and
associated cloned cursor client dataset doesn't cause any problems etc.

However from that point on running the command cdsPayments.Delete will cause
the cdsPayments to decide it is empty (EOF and BOF - although it still
thinks it's record count is correct). I have tested a simpler case and it
definitely seems to be triggered by calling CloneCursor.

Has anyone had similar problems? How did you solve them? Or maybe someone
has done similar things and not had any such problems? Either way I would be
interested to hear.

David Brennan
DB Solutions Ltd.

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