> Well, I just want to say congrats to Nic Wise for a demo well done, whilst
> still very much a "beta" product, it certainly works, although I was
> interested in the lack of a bidirectional cursor for the queries - Nic -
> any chance you could explain what was happening there?  I assume dbExpress
> is designed differently...

yeah, the driver provides a uni-direction cursor, and the MIDAS layer does
the bidirectional stuff. But I can't find the BiDi stuff, or the MIDAS
stuff - baaaah!.

> Was good to see the CGI creation working in the browser without hassle as
> well, after the demo Moira (sp?) pointed out she didn't think much of it
> for a web-programming environment, and whist I've only done minor stuff
> with the web side of delphi, I'm inclined to agree with her for small
> projects - but can also see where delphi/kylix would shine in this area
> for larger projects (mostly due to the database and oop model available)
> through object pascal.

yup. You aint seen nothing yet tho.



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