Patrick Dunford wrote:
> Has anyone managed to get FlashWindow to flash the taskbar icon?
> I have tried this using a timer with various intervals (200 msec to 1
> second) and changing the second parameter but cannot get the taskbar button
> to flash.

In the VCL The main window of your app is actually a child of the invisible
application window, so to flash the taskbar button for your application pass
Application.Handle to the FlashWindow() function.  Use a timer to toggle the
second parm on and off... this is how I did it in Builder:

void __fastcall TForm1::FlashTimerTimer(TObject* Sender)
static bool state = false;
  state = !state;
  ::FlashWindow(Application->Handle, state);

Don't know how that translates into Delphi, but you'll figure it out no
doubt :>

Corey Murtagh
The Electric Monk
"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur!"
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