I have a class, THPTree,  that is derived from TCustomTreeView and
has a property called FormView of class type TfrmView.  That class
is derived from TForm.  On creation of an instance of THPTree I want
to set the property FormView to nil.  In some circumstances I want to
allocate an instance of TfrmView save it in the FormView property.
Other times I want to make this form visible and set focus to it.  I cannot
get this to work.

My questions are:

- how do I assign an instance of TfrmView to the property FormView?
- how do I test to see if FormView is a form (of class TfrmView ) or nil?

I think that what I am asking is how do I complete the two functions for
reading and writing the value of the property.  The property is defined

Property FormView: TfrmView read GetFormView write SetFormView;

Any help would be most appreciated.


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