> My questions are:
> - how do I assign an instance of TfrmView to the property FormView?

Declare a member variable of type TfrmView in the class
Say, FFrmView : TfrmView;

In GetFormView, return FFrmView.
In SetFormView set FFrmView to teh parameter passed.

When you want to create the view INSIDE the class member functions you can
just say
 FFrmView := TfrmView.Create(whatever);

>From outside the class, you'll need to use
HPTree.FormView := TFrmView.Create(Whatever);

> - how do I test to see if FormView is a form (of class TfrmView ) or nil?

Just check against FormView (or FFrmView from inside a member function);

Hope this helps,
Deepak Shenoy
Agni Software

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