On 31 May 2001, at 17:03, Alan Rose wrote:

> Having seen the D6 product launch today in Chch I'd be keen to hear
> what other people on this list felt about the new D6. I'd like to
> start off by saying thank you to Borland for putting the event on
> today. The speaker John K. (Sorry name escapes me) 

John Kaster. And yes, my thanks to Borland as well - it was good to 
get a quick overview of the new stuff. Sadly I had to sneak away 
after it had gone 20min overtime, had a lunch appt to get to. Hope I 
didn't miss anything good. 

> did a wonderful job
> of demonstrating D6. That is apart from the odd glitch which left me
> wondering if a service pack is needed sooner rather than later.

I think many of the glitches were with something new he'd written 
that was planned to be the "hook" to get people to actually register 
the product after they bought it (good idea, that). 

> Glitches aside D6 seems to me to have made great inroads in providing
> a powerful web development tool (Based around their SNAP technology).

        Heh, well I don't think I'd call "SNAP" a "technology" - pure 
marketing speak, as JK himself pointed out. But yes, they've gotten 
the jump on Microsoft yet again, which is just great. When .NET 
finally comes out of beta I expect us Delphi dev's will get to do a 
lot of crowing over our Visual Studio "peers". 

Actually although the SOAP/WSDL stuff looks great, my favourite 
moment had to be when JK demonstrated the new action band demo, and 
said "Here we have a reasonable clone of Wordpad. As you can see it 
took several lines of code to write...." (clicks through to code 
panel and shows there are only two tiny bits of event code in the 
thing). Plenty of dry humour here and there actually, I appreciated 

Looking forward to d6. I _might_ even fork out for Enterprise. We'll 

Seth (Who's still wishing he'd bought Kylix a month ago...brilliant 
PR move giving away Enterprise to the people who paid US$1k for 
Seth Wagoner, WebFoundry Ltd. Christchurch, New Zealand 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://webfoundry.co.nz

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