Yes I had to go back and look at my code.
I call the function (which is in a C DLL) like this

        if the result is =0 then its ok
Where the problem IS is that the variables can be zero
and I am doing an encodedate and encodetime and the problem IS that they
require that the values of the variables be >1

I think tho, everyone is missing the point of my question. The problem above
is handled fine in my code....the code is not the issue, the issue or rather
question I was asking IS, is there away OTHER than adding EConvertError to
the exceptions to ignore list in the Language exceptions tab of the
debugging menu item in the IDE to stop the program telling me there is an
error which requires me to press the ok button and the F9 at the line the
tryies to do the encodedate and encodetime ?
and one that also means I can still have the stop on delphi exptions turned

Thanks, Jeremy Coulter

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Nello Sestini
Sent: Sunday, 30 September 2001 20:57
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: Re: [DUG]: Break on exception

> I have a component that gets a value back from a DLL.
> The value is a Date BUT it can sometimes be just zero.
> Do I go
> try
>     myDate:=GetDateFromDll;
> except
>     myDate:=now
> end;

what are the types of myDate and GetDateFromDll?  TDateTime?

normally you don't get an exception if you assign a TDateTime
value (even if it's zero).    I just tried this:

   procedure test;
   var mydate:TDateTime;

and it doesn't raise an exception.

What you are describing sounds like something that happens
when you try to convert a String to a TDate via StrToDate
or something like that.

Am I missing something?


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