
More information is needed if we're going to solve this one. For example, is
this error you are getting a run time error or does it occur at compile
time? What is the exact text of the error?

In the meantime I have one suggestion. Try deleting the whole statement
which is causing the problem and then retyping it. You may have an invisible
ctrl character in the line which is stuffing everything up (which could
explain why the line appeared broken into 3 parts in your original email).


On Mon, 1 Oct 2001 20:19:31 +1200, you wrote:

>I think I've spotted it!
>The syntax highlighting should have shown you what was going on....
>The problem is that you are not terminating the strings correctly (as if
>didn't already know that).
>inputbox( 'Name Search',  // string is terminated correctly
>'Enter the name you''re looking for', // that's not a double quote, it is 2
>single quotes
> '' // and 2 single quotes again
thanx but again no it doesn't the same line is highlighted i even
changed the you"re the your and it still doesn't work.

   Brendon Toogood

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