
I've lost track of the original posts and the original error, so I apologise if
I'm off track. InputString needs 3 params doesn't it?

eg. (from help)  InputBox := InputBox('Input Box', 'Prompt', 'Default string');


> ok Stacey below os the code i am getting the error unterminated string
> in the line which i will mark for you the error is at compile time and
> is starting to really piss me off.
> procedure TForm1.BitBtn7Click(Sender: TObject);
>    var
>     SearchText : string;
>     tmp : address;
>   begin
>   //error on this line// SearchText := inputbox( 'Name Search', 'Enter
> the name your looking
> for');
>   if (SearchText <> '') and Find( SearchText ) then
>     begin
>     read( AddressFile, tmp );
>     eName.text  := tmp.Name;
>     eStreetAddress.text := tmp.StreetAddress;
>     ecity.text:=tmp.city;
>     ephone.text:=tmp.phone;
>     emobile.text:=tmp.mobile;
>     eemail.text:=tmp.email;
>     end;
> end;
> ...
>    Brendon Toogood
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