Thanks Berend,

I'm not doing this for a job but working on my on applications at home in my
spare time. I've been programming for many years but not as a job since
about 2005.

My next project will be totally web based and I've been thinking that I'd
need to make the move to RubyonRails at that point, but before I make that
commitment, I wondered if anyone was using Delphi successfully on good
advanced web projects - or something else. I know the C#.NET argument is a
pretty good argument but for some reasons I'm resisting that move.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 4:51 PM, Berend de Boer <> wrote:

> >>>>> "Steve" == Steve Peacocke <> writes:
>    Steve> Perhaps others have a better suggestion? What do others
>    Steve> use? Should I bite the bullet and jump to RoR or upgrade to
>    Steve> D2011 or something else?
> I mean, you're learning this for fun or for having a job? Not sure how
> many RoR jobs there are in NZ.
> Some years ago I heard that most Delphi programmers went to PHP. The
> PHP market in NZ is pretty robust, so that works.
> But if you want to stay in the Microsoft World, C# + ASPX or whatever
> the greatest latest technology is from M$ would be the best fit.
> --
> All the best,
> Berend de Boer
>          ------------------------------------------------------
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