Stephen Posey wrote:

> Rich Cooper wrote:
>> Thanks Stephen,
>> I found a web page with a similar snippet, and so I was able to
>> get the following to work in my OnFormCreate handler:
>>   D := GetStartDir;
>>   ShellExecute( 0, 'open', PChar(''),
>>                 PChar('/c '+'ipconfig/all > harbor.txt'),
>>                 nil, SW_HIDE );
>>   Waiting := 100;
>>   while ( (Waiting>0) and (not FileExists(D+'HARBOR.TXT')))
>>   do begin
>>         Sleep(250);
>>         Waiting := Waiting-1;
>>      end;
>>   if   (not FileExists(D+'HARBOR.TXT'))
>>   then raise Exception.Create('Login Error 1.');
>> But there is still a problem.  The 'Waiting' loop discovers that the
>> file exists, but not whether it has been completely written and let
>> loose to be read.  In my OnFormActivate handler, I use:
>>    if   FirstActivation
>>    then begin
>>           D := GetStartDir;
>>           Application.ProcessMessages;
>>           Sleep(500);
>>           if   FileExists(D+'HARBOR.TXT')
>>           then begin
>>                   meHarbor.Lines.LoadFromFile(D+'HARBOR.TXT');
>> which works 95% of the time.  But sometimes it causes the LoadFromFile
>> procedure to throw an exception related to trying to read a file that is
>> not yet ready to be read - still locked by the NT file system in XP, and 
>> not
>> yet completely written to the HARBOR.TXT file and then released to
>> the rest of the computer.
>> Does anyone have a way to determine whether the file HARBOR.TXT
>> has been released for reading after being completely written?  I would
>> be able to fix this problem by replacing the Sleep(500) with a loop
>> that tests till the HARBOR.TXT file is ready for reading, having been
>> fully released.
> I don't know precisely how cmd.exe creates and opens a redirected file
> like that, but your attempting to open it in "exclusive share" mode
> ought to fail regardless if the file is still being written.
> You can use a TFileStream instance, like so:
>   FS := TFileStream.Create(D + 'HARBOR.TXT',
>    fmOpenRead or fmShareExclusive);
> Attempt that and catch any exception raised due to the sharing conflict
> (should be some form of EInOutError), if the file exists and no
> exception is raised on attempting to open it, then it should be finished.
> Stephen Posey

I tried "LoadFromFile()" with try ... except end around it and kept
looping till the exceptions went away - that worked just fine!

Thanks Stephen and Simon,

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