Doug Chamberlin wrote:
> At 10:33 AM 6/13/2007, CubicDesign wrote:
>> I want to drag and drop multiple files from a TFileList into a TListBox.
>> I set ExtendedSelect and MultiSelect to True, then I select several
>> files (with contol+click or shift+click) then a click a random file in
>> order to start the dragging process. But at this moment all files are
>> deselected (except the last clicked one).
>> More exactly, clicking the TFileList without having the Shift or Control
>> key pressed will cause to loose the selection.
>> This bug hunt's me for a long time but now I really want to drag and
>> drop multiple files.
>> There is a way to fix the problem or I should consider using a 3rd party
>> control to replace TFileList.
> I use many applications that work this way,

Anything we've heard of?

> therefore I don't consider it 
> buggy behavior. You do need to mouse-down on the final selected item and 
> then immediately start the drag operation. Isn't this standard behavior?

No, it's not standard. Try it with Explorer.

The selection should only get cleared on a click event. A click doesn't 
occur until the mouse button has been pressed *and* released without the 
cursor moving outside a specified area. If the cursor moves too far, 
then the operation is a drag, not a click.

> Just so I understand what you are asking for, how do you think initiating a 
> drag/drop after multi-selects should work?

The selection and the dragging are allowed to be two separate 
operations. Otherwise, it requires too much planning from the user on 
the last selection operation. The user would need to know what the last 
selection will be so that he or she can begin dragging. Otherwise, the 
user would need to unselect something just so that selecting it can 
begin a drag operation.

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