>I want to drag and drop multiple files from a TFileList into a TListBox.
>I set ExtendedSelect and MultiSelect to True, then I select several 
>files (with contol+click or shift+click) then a click a random file in 
>order to start the dragging process. But at this moment all files are 
>deselected (except the last clicked one).
>More exactly, clicking the TFileList without having the Shift or Control 
>key pressed will cause to loose the selection.
>This bug hunt's me for a long time but now I really want to drag and 
>drop multiple files.
>There is a way to fix the problem or I should consider using a 3rd party 
>control to replace TFileList.

Have you set the TFileList's DragMode property to dmAutomatic?

Stephen Posey

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