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Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 17:33:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Fahmi Zaibirat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [reformasitotal] Conspiracy Behind Barbaric Massacre

Political Conspiracy Behind the BarbaricMassacre

So far the entirely defeated Madurese, the losers, are
blamed by the local settlers of barbaric Dayak ethnic
for the past wrongdoings done by the Madurese such as
being short tempered and so many other negative names.
So far, yes it is true but later when the Madurese
manage to take revenge against the barbaric killers,
they will immediately name the Dayak ethnic for being
inhumanly  barbaric and having no right to live on this
earth.   Not only that the local settlers started to
loudly voiced that Madurese have to be killed but also
expelled from the land of West Borneo meaning to leave
behind all their properties including beloved homes
having been built for more than a hundred years by the
generations. Social envy aroused the evil spirit of the
Dayak ethnic who has never recognized any God but
spirits including the evil ones. Mostly the Dayaks are
idle workers who are not comparable to the hard working
Madurese. When the latter manage to get more secured
financially and socially than the indigenous Dayaks ,
envy began arousing the black spirit of the Dayak. The
Dayaks worship only spirits like the old Indian of
Apache or Sioux. To judge that they are not touched by
education or civilized social life is very true as
evidenced by their treating other fellow human beings
like animals. Indeed there have been quarrels with
Madurese but there have never been any significant
criminal violation done by the Madurese only against
the Dayaks in general. There have been feuds and local
quarrels but are very limited in number and certainly
do not deserve chopping of heads like having been
evidenced. All the Dayak ethnics including those who
hold government positions in the area proved not
recognizing the official laws except that of local
barbaric tradition and even of a jungle.

It is indeed highly questionable that all the local
officials of government vigorously shouted for the
expulsion of the Madurese from the West Borneo which
has never been done before, namelu during the earlier
criminal quarrels between the contradicting parties. In
Ambon there have also been quarrels between the
Amboinese, the local indigenous settlers and the
migrants there consisting of Buginese, Butonese and
Makasarese but there had never been any massacre
created before. This does not include those uncivilized
killings in Aceh for hundreds, in Banyuwangi for
another hundred, in Lampung, in Tanjung Periok for
other hundreds and other places for a different number.
Based on the testimony of those refugees of West Borneo
who are now in Surabaya, acually there have been
thousands of Madurese were slain. The fact revealed
that those victimized in the killings are almost all
Muslims, the local group who managed to topple Suharto
from his 32 years of fascist ruling. To create a
scapegoat, the Governor of West Borneo then shouted the
same word of conspiracy, not allowing the Madurese to
come back to Borneo and have to stay out forever for
the so-called being unable to adjust with the fierce
uncivilized local ethnic Dayak. The statement is of
course disproportional since the Madurese can react by
not allowing or not giving any  chance for the Dayaks
to earn their living outside their territory. This
could endanger creating another set of gross human
right violation and all kinds of national

The worst to be blamed are actually the local
government officials who failed to educate their
barbaric Dayaks. Even the officials do not recognize
the nation adopted principle of Pancasila, of the
Bhineka Tunggal Ika, of the Sumpah Pemuda as an already
long established basis of the Indonesian constitution
since its declaration of independence. The Governor of
West Borneo is the most unforgivable creature ruling
the area. He shouted that the Madurese must go back to
their land of Madura and never coming back there and
therefore leaving behind all their homes already
developed for generations. Who is the Governor? By the
name he is actually ASPAR ASWIN SIREGAR, a Batakese
from North Sumatra. He is the first to clear his ass as
soon as possible out of the Borneo for the failure to
create civilization as applied in other civilized part
of the world.

Madurese have to be proud for being educationally and
socially higher than the barbaric Dayaks. Not a single
one of them recognized that Madurese' Ariawiraraja, the
12th century royal regent is the mastermind of the
Kingdom of Mojopahit based on which geographical right
of Indonesia is taken from. Mojopahit includes all the
islands now controlled under the authority of Indonesia
without which no present Indonesia will be recognized
by the international world. Ariawiraraja is the most
trusted adviser of King Raden Wijaya of Mohopahit, the
first king who laid the foundation of the present
Indonesia. The high level language of Madurese
resembles that of the Javanese proving that both
Madurese and Javanese are of same linguistic source.
During the days of Mojopahit, the Dayak ethnic were
completely barbarians covering their body with some
piece of  cloth made from the wood-skin such as worn by
Tarzan or old Apache Indians . The missionaries having
been sent to christianize them apparently found it
difficult to convert them to proper faith in religion
of civilized world.  

The Madurese obtained a high respect from Sir Stamford
Raffles of Great Britain whom in the 19th century made
friendly exchange of correspondence with the descendant
successor of Regent Ariawiraraja whose regency building
was located in Sumenep of the Madura island. Madura, an
island of about 600 kilometers lying north of East Java
area, is geographically divided into 4 major
administrative district areas of: Sumenep. Pamekasan,
Sampang and Bangkalan. The Madurese ethnic now reaching
about 6 millions by population number are 100% Muslim
who in general are very consistent in their faith. The
condition of the island is not very fertile like in
Java. Mining sources are there but have not yet been
exploited. Oil sources are also available but fully
exploited by the central government. The hard-soil
condition of the island forced them to become tough
hard workers and some of them migrate to other islands.
The living is in general based on marine products and
salt industry. Those migrants consist of low level
strata of the population who have not been reached by
the higher educational system. Other Madurese who are
well educated have obtained good positions in both
government and private offices. Army generals, police
generals, high ranking arm force officials, ministers,
governor, ambassadors, high ranking government
officials, medical doctors, engineers, lawyers, judges,
attorneys, general attorney, lecturers, university
rectors, deans and many other high ranking positions in
government, private and business organization offices.
In the meantime the Dayaks remain awkwardly difficult
to socialize themselves therefore are locked inside
their old barbaric traditions. Within short future,
detailed articles on Madurese will be issued in the
forum in order to present an undistorted picture of

Then why conspiracy? There are many ethnic groups in
Indonesia, the major of whom are Javanese, Sundanese,
Madurese, Minangese, Batakese, Balinese, Menadoese.,
Amboinese, Irianese and others. The largest worshipped
religion is Islam and as it has already been observed
that Suharto was toppled mostly by the Muslim moral
movement among others led by Dr Amien Rais and
Abdurrachman Wahid. This hatred against the Muslim has
been growing as such that the Arm Force membership in
the Congress (DPR) was minimized to 38 only from 200
seats. During the Suharto regime this Arm Force was
abused by Suharto to repress the people and this was
done for about 30 years. Amien Rais further rejected
any additional militia to strengthen the position of
the Army. Worse than that, the people of the victimized
families started cursing the Arm Force for the past
wrongdoings. Human abductions have never been settled
and remain in the dark causing more bad feelings
against the Arm Force while those officials originated
from the Arm Force is unable to process the trial of
Suharto for the huge corruptions, the biggest in Asia.
What have happened when the tragic social crisis took
place? Why let the fierce killings take place? The Arm
Force troops only came down to the troubled spots of
Ambon and West Borneo after about 5 hundreds of human
life are found dead, partly mutilated and killed in
barbaric manner. Why the rescue is done only after the
genocide? It is not difficult to find out who are
mostly responsible and in fact it is quite
Mutilation of human bodies,
scalping oh human heads, taking out human organs out of
human bodies, carrying by hand human heads as if
carrying  garbage while kicking human heads as if
kicking balls, hunting women and children who are
running to escape to the nearest forests,
transportation of human being but still hunted on the
way to escapade, under-aged children mourning their
deed parent bodies, cramped seaport transportation of
refugees causing immature childbirth of some mothers 
with no doctors or nurses present, driven away from
beloved homes and all terrifying sights give a picture
worse than seen in Bosnia and Kosovo. About 30,000
people are now staying out in the escapade with nothing
left to live on and nowhere to go for a living. SOS. 

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