On Sun, 2015-09-20 at 18:57 +0200, Andreas Schneider wrote:
> I can reproduce a crash the following way:
> * Open the command centre.
> * Search for "Second".
> * Repeat the search several times. After the item "Open Repeat Section"
> (i.e. when searching again while that item is active) the program crashes.

I can't get this to happen on my current build, nor on a windows build
1.2.5 that I've been testing.
I have an idea it may be possible to get that if the set of commands
that you have is in some way scrambled (something like the file
denemoui.xml referring to non-existent commands, or Default.commands
having something bad in it)... I'm really not sure, but try to test on a
completely clean system. (Alternatively - or even additionally - the
output from gdb's where command would be interesting...)


> Andreas
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