On Thu, 2016-12-15 at 10:07 -0400, lewis.r0...@rogers.com wrote:
> Hello Richard --
> On December 15, 2016 09:11:22 AM Richard Shann wrote:
> > > Hello --
> > > Does anyone have any experience scanning a pdf using either
> > > SharpEye[1] or
> > > PhotoScore[2], and then importing the MusicXML
> > 
> > Use the MusicXML route, not MIDI (MIDI simply does not store the
> > information that has been scanned - e.g. e-flat or d-sharp ...)
> > 
> > >  or MIDI file into Denemo?  I
> > > 
> > > would appreciate any comments or recommendations before I try their
> > > 30-day free trial.  Thank you.
> > 
> > The times that I have tried Music OCR I have always concluded that it
> > involves more work than transcribing from a PDF (I create a PDF from the
> > image of the score if needed - even if it is on paper, going down to the
> > copy shop and getting them to scan the pages to a file is worth it).
> > 
> > The reason has been that the error rate in the Music OCR means you have
> > to learn to correct errors, and I've always estimated that spotting and
> > correcting errors (even once the hurdle of learning how to use the
> > program to correct the errors has been surpassed) was going to exceed
> > the time needed to enter the music from the PDF. That estimate is based
> > on the use of rhythm-pattern/MIDI keyboard entry that Denemo allows.
> > Once learnt, this method approaches 2 * (real time per part). As a
> > bonus, this method is rather pleasant - you get to hear the music, and
> > practice its rhythm and your sight-reading skills. Spotting and
> > correcting errors, by contrast, is tedious as is entering notes by
> > typing their names and durations.
> > 
> > If the playing-in would involve an investment in learning to play a MIDI
> > keyboard (or other MIDI-enhanced instrument) then the trade-off might be
> > different.
> > 
> > HTH
> > 
> > Richard
> Thank you for your comments.  I've been transcribing PDFs and was just 
> wondering if an OCR programme might speed things up -- and justify the cost. 

If you do try these OCR programs out I would be *very* interested in the
MusicXML generated for the attached PDF ... I tried Audiveris recently
on this (that program - Audiveris - is supposed to be imminently getting
an upgrade ... has been for months ...) to no very good effect.
> I'm very happy with Denemo, and want to thank you and all the other 
> developers 
> for the work you do.
Thank you!
> > p.s. Your email didn't reach the mailing list (yet?) - I'm not sure why.
> > If you subscribe it will arrive automatically - you can elect not to
> > receive mailings if you want that.
> > 
> I don't know why my original e-mail hasn't showed up either.  I sent it after 
> subscribing to the list.  The Mail delivery option is set to enabled.

Ah, I think the mailing list server trod on its own feet - you were
probably a little too quick between subscribing and emailing or
something. I've cleared your "moderate"(vb) flag, so your emails should
arrive promptly in future.


Attachment: IMSLP370950-PMLP267080-John_Loeillet-Sonata-1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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