On Thu, 2017-05-18 at 09:56 -0500, Jeremiah Benham wrote:
> In denemo.sh I have:
> This should be fixed because it is not appending but replacing. I
> think this was dobe on purpose at ine point in order to prevent local
> libraries overiding packed libs. This is probably were the problem
> lies. Maybe he could edit denemo.sh to include /usr/lib

What Jeremiah is suggesting is opening the file denemo.sh in a plain
text editor and changing it to be the same as the attached version.

If you are familiar with editing plain text files then you could do
this. Alternatively you save the attached denemo.sh file replacing the
current one. The only wrinkle would be that you might need the command

chmod a+x ~/Desktop/Denemo.app/Contents/MacOS/denemo.sh

once you have altered it, to ensure that it can still be executed.

(The explanation of this cryptic command is ch(ange)mod(e)
a(ll)+(e)x(ecutable) if that makes it less mysterious :) )


Attachment: denemo.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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