This file will do it.

I created top line, then bottom, then middle.

With whole bars empty it played normally. Then deleted a minim in middle staff, bar 2.

Middle staff now plays back async with rest.


On 12/08/2017 18:07, Andreas Schneider wrote:
Working on a score in which some measures are still without notes, I
encounter an asynchronous playback, i.e. during playback some staffs lag
one measure behind the others. This is illustrated in the attached
screenshot. Notes from one measure sound together with notes from the
next measure from other staffs, which is not so good for checking it.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? I could not reproduce it with
very simple scores with two staffs.
@Richard: I can send you the score by pm for debugging purposes.


Denemo-devel mailing list

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<score xmlns=""; version="8">
%\include "live-score.ily"
%\header { tagline = #f }
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              <prefix>instrumentName = \markup {  \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 2 1 1)(let ((choice (d-PopupMenu (list (cons (_ \"Change Name\") d-InstrumentName)   (cons (_ \"Change Indent\") d-ScoreIndent)))))
                            (if choice (choice)))    " "Violin" }</prefix>
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              <prefix>instrumentName = \markup {  \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 2 1 1)(let ((choice (d-PopupMenu (list (cons (_ \"Change Name\") d-InstrumentName)   (cons (_ \"Change Indent\") d-ScoreIndent)))))
                            (if choice (choice)))    " "Violin" }</prefix>
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                <note id="id125">
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