I've created an index using the Denemo->Indexing commands and put in on
denemo.org so that people wishing to browse the scores there can do so
in a user-friendly way. The link to the visual index
is linked to from the Showcase page of denemo.org now. I have munged(*)
it so that clicking on a filename in the index downloads the
corresponding Denemo file.

(*) The incantation needed to switch from a local file reference to a
URL is this:

sed -e s%scheme:'(d-OpenNewWindow 
\\"'/home/rshann/musicScores/%http://www.denemo.org/\~rshann/DenemoScores/% -e 
s%'\\")" "Filename:%" "Filename:%' Index.denemo > DenemoScoresIndex.denemo

for the record.

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