Ok, time to re-gen a set of todos since we have a few folks who are able to
scratch this itch right now. Here are some things that come to my mind.

1) ASF Repository

Find out more about what has been implemented in the name of the ASF
Repository, and report to this list. I know something called this exists
somewhere (although I don't think it follows an ASF repo layout, but a Maven
one) I'd like to poke it, prod it, test it.

2) Repository/Artifact (Avalon interface)

This re-work was very close, needs to be completed (and the Ant Type needs
to be re-tested over it). One for me, since I started it...

3) Downloading

Create a separate DownloadManager that does downloads for us, and does
things like check MD5s, and allows user-set listeners for doing things like
'.' (dots) for downloaded blocks, or percentages in GUIs, etc.

4) API

Keep refactoring/documenting to generate a simple API. A 'hands on'
interface, for those wanting to manually work w/ Repository/Artifacts
(Avaloners) and an Updater one (for querying repositories and downloading
latest best fit).

5) Monitor the Gump errors and fix what needs fixing.


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