Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

"Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ASF Repository:

About this time what I'm maintaining is the following two repository

Thanks for this write-up.

I haven't yet explored the idea of getting a ""
virtual host going. Up to this point I wanted to see the reuse of the
existing mirroring structure to get these artifacts out to multiple
hosts. I know that Henri and others have been working on some new
download pages and scripts for redirecting to mirrors for downloads. I'd
be really interested in finding out how we can combine this sort of
Metadata with a download client to get clients downloading "load
balanced" across the mirrors. I suspect this would be a server side
redirect mechanism of some sort.

In Depot Update we've tinkered with picking one based off this URL's contents.

Are you talking about closer.cgi, or a newer script?



Hmm, I was reviewing the emails and most of it was about building proper links to closer.cgi from the various download pages in Jakarta Commons. Not neccessarily improving upon closer.cgi.

I think what really needs to happen is that theres a "machine" readable or parametized version of this script which returns either a redirect or a machine parsable list of locations (for instance in XML/RDF) instead of the human readable html page. The current script doesn't offer this, but a "template" could written for it to meet this need. At first I thought it would be fine to just have a serverside script that returns a redirect. But after some thought I realized the client in this situation would probibly just be a simple Http client or ftp client and if the connection failed, there would be a need for some sort of mechanism for recovery and retry at a new location, in which case getting and parsing a list would give the client multiple locations to choose from. I think this could really be accomplished by extending the script as such that it could detect user-agent or other request header/parameter and return the appropriate formatted content instead. Then the client would parse the content and iterate over the list until it retrieved a successfull download.


fn:Mark Diggory
org:Harvard University;Harvard MIT Data Center
adr:Harvard University;;G-6 Littauer Center (North Yard);Cambridge;Ma;02138-2901;United States
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Engineer
tel;work:617 496 7246
tel;fax:617 495 0438
tel;home:617 718 2033 
tel;cell:617 285 4106

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