David Van Couvering wrote:

Great! I have a question: if I wanted to use this to speed up testing, how do I do it within the context of the test harness?

To enable this mode for derbyall suite.
put the following property in java\testing\org\apache\derbyTesting\functionTests\suites\derbyall.properties

build it ( ant testing).

Then I believe, when you run derbyall, this property will be picked up by all the tests run as part of derbyall.


Mike Matrigali wrote:

I committed this change with svn 169538.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:

Mike Matrigali wrote:

Could you resolve the conflict in LogToFile.java in the current trunk
revision and resubmit the patch?

I resolved the conflict and regenerated the patch(DurabilityTest_0510.txt). Let me know if you have any problems applying this patch.


Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:

Thanks Suresh for your comments. I have attached a new patch that takes care of them and as well as the property name change as discussed on the list.

So now,
1)To enable this no syncs mode, the property setting is derby.system.durability=test If it is set to any other value other than test, then this property setting is ignored and the system will default to the usual mode where all syncs happen correctly.
2) If database is booted in this mode then the flag to indicate this mode is being used is set in log.ctrl file and it will not change after that.Thus there wont be any switching between this mode ( no syncs) to default ( all syncs) mode because we cannot guarantee that the database will be in a consistent state once its booted in this no sync mode..
3) This flag is now written out as part of the log control flags in log.ctrl file instead of using a spare byte.

deleted rest ...

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