On 2/8/19 1:47 PM, Camilla Haase wrote:
From the documentation perspective, the release looks just fine. Rick, you did a heroic job making this major update to Derby,
Thanks for those kind words.
so much of which is probably invisible to the user.
Or only visible in an annoying way (new jar file, security policy changes)!
I see changes in the docs, though, especially Getting Started.



On 2/5/2019 7:56 PM, Rick Hillegas wrote:
Please test-drive the candidate, then vote on whether to accept it as a Derby release. The candidate lives at:


The polls close at 5:00 pm California time on Tuesday February 26. is a feature release, described in greater detail here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__wiki.apache.org_db-2Dderby_DerbyTenFifteenOneRelease&d=DwIDaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PZh8Bv7qIrMUB65eapI_JnE&r=m_c7KOfM8fA3FYgQXy8pJ5e61jTIX5oxrK41tBC4ne8&m=gDJEq7pzTiV3VksjFE_VSoX5LHefLJt_LKjubXzHbfc&s=yHRjXlTDUSRL78UTmN6AHEzlNFQ7FfvenFKWu62Ewv4&e=

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.


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