No worries, thanks for the update!

>From my last time making a release, I recall that managing the
mirrored distributions was one of the weirdest and oddest steps, with
lots of finicky details.
has the best notes, so far as I know, in the "After a Successful Vote"

I think once I forgot one tiny step and had very similar results to
what you have.

For example, it's really important which page is a ".cgi" and which is
a ".html", because one of those extensions triggers the dynamic
mirroring and the other does not.


On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 5:45 AM Rick Hillegas <> wrote:
> The distros have been deployed to the maven repositories and the
> mirrors. However, the download page is broken. You can't pick a mirror
> from the pulldown list. Instead, you have to use the one which is
> automagically chosen for you--or refresh the page to get a new random
> choice. I don't understand the mirroring annotations, but I do see a
> difference between the mirroring verbiage in the download page
> and the webpage. I will try making the mirroring annotations
> agree. However, first I need to set up a new environment in which to
> compile the website. Given my other commitments, this may take a couple
> days.
> Thanks for your patience,
> -Rick

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