>>>>>>>>>>>> Bryan Pendleton wrote (2006-02-12 19:56:12):
> Knut Anders Hatlen (JIRA) wrote:
> >New patch (DERBY-821-v2.diff) which addresses issues identified by
> >Bryan and Kathey.
> This patch looks good to me. It applied cleanly to the current trunk,
> and derbyall passed in my sandbox. Thank you for adding the additional
> tests, I think they are quite valuable. The protocol test in
> particular was interesting; I had not known about that technique before.

Looks good to me too! I'll commit it as soon as Knut Anders makes I
new version which applies cleanly to head of trunk.
Bernt Marius Johnsen, Database Technology Group, 
Staff Engineer, Technical Lead Derby/Java DB
Sun Microsystems, Trondheim, Norway

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