I have been reading a readme file explaining the testing in the org.apache.derbyTesting package, and have a couple of questions in that regard.

I am looking for a minimal sanity test to verify that an installation of Derby is healthy, that the most basic functionality works. I'm not exactly sure what such a test for Derby ideally should contain, but I am thinking something like:
* create database
* create table (with index), insert record, update record, read record, delete record, delete table
* do this through 'ij', embedded, and with network client.
Should try to make the test robust with regards to changes in the product or different vms.

Do you have any opinions on what such a test for Derby should or shouldn't do?

Does something like this allready exist?

If it doesn't exist, would I most likely find the necessary tests or building blocks somewhere within the derbyTesting package, so I could just glue it together as a suite, or will I have to write it from scratch?

Would such a test be useful for you (or your customers)?


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