Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

> Daniel John Debrunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>We could probably do a better job of providing snapshots. Up to this
>>point we have provided them infrequently. Also, looking at the current
>>10.2 snapshot there is no text around it to say why people should pick
>>it up and what they should be testing.
> You make valid points, and I wholeheartedly agree that we should do a
> better job with documenting our snapshots. But, as I'm sure you know,
> alpha quality snapshots cannot be used in production.

Yes, but we want the feedback early so we can fix bugs before people use
the software in production systems.

If you want feedback on SUR then I strongly encourage you to post a
10.2alpha snapshot that contains SUR, write an intro/overview that
explains what functionality you want people to test, point them to the
SUR documentation, and spread the word through the derby-user list and
any other avenues you want. We all probably need to be more pro-active
about encouraging feedback on new features, I'm not sure pushing for a
release is the correct way to do that.


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