Sanket Sharma wrote:
> Hi,
> While reading Derby source code for my project, I thought It will be
> good to share my knowledge with other developers. Since my project is
> about adding JMX to Derby, it will interact with a lot of internal API
> calls. As I continue to read and understand code, I think will good if
> I can document all this somewhere. Is there any Derby Internals wiki
> page where I can post all this information?

Not on the wiki that I'm aware of, but some internals writeups are on
the web site here:

> If it is not already there, I'll add a page to my JMX wiki page and
> start documenting everything there. It may be later linked to Derby
> main page.
> I welcome any comments and suggestions.

Anything you can add to the knowledge is good and doing it on the wiki
is fine.


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