Jean T. Anderson wrote:

> Sanket Sharma wrote:
>>While reading Derby source code for my project, I thought It will be
>>good to share my knowledge with other developers. Since my project is
>>about adding JMX to Derby, it will interact with a lot of internal API
>>calls. As I continue to read and understand code, I think will good if
>>I can document all this somewhere. Is there any Derby Internals wiki
>>page where I can post all this information?
> Not on the wiki that I'm aware of, but some internals writeups are on
> the web site here:
>>If it is not already there, I'll add a page to my JMX wiki page and
>>start documenting everything there. It may be later linked to Derby
>>main page.
>>I welcome any comments and suggestions.
> Anything you can add to the knowledge is good and doing it on the wiki
> is fine.

Agreed, I'm adding some pages in this general area, links to
descriptions of functionality, design specs etc. You can link your
information off the JMX page and then later link it into the area I'm


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