Hi Kathey,

I think we're on the same page. I hope my reply to Dan's question clarified the intention of my mapping table. I'm trying to figure out how we assign Urgency values to existing 10.2 JIRAs. I'm asking whether this is the algorithm you would use.

At the risk of being pedantic and cranky, I feel the need to quote the definition of "priority" according to Websters:

"2) precedence in date or position...3) something meriting prior attention"

This captures the meaning of Urgency as JIRA understands it. JIRA, however, equates priority with severity. I feel that the community will have to keep reminding newcomers that JIRA and Websters use the word "priority" differently. We will have to coax them through the Apache looking glass:

"When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,' it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less."


Kathey Marsden wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Thanks, Kathey. I think this does capture what I mean. I think this is your proposal:

Priority - Means "severity" according to the JIRA definitions.

Urgency - Has the common-sense meaning of priority, not to be confused with the JIRA sense.

Yes, that makes sense , but I don't understand your mapping the two are separate things. Just to be clear:
I think the forrest page makes a good distinction:


The Priority is the severity according to the issue reporter. This will be a guideline to the development team to identify the most urgent issues. It is not a guarantee that a Critical issue will be resolved before a Major issue.

Follow the Jira help icon to see the definition of the options.

The project team will classify this according to their urgency. The aim is to be able to see at a glance which issues should be attended to, so that developers can operate efficiently and so that the product can be released as soon as possible. Some issues hinder the project, so need to be identified.

   * None: The default. Not yet classified.
   * Blocker: Prevents other developers from working; or critical issue
     with functionality; or holds up the implementation of other
functionality. Cannot release until it is fixed. Will be fixed ASAP.
   * Urgent: Is a key new feature; or affects many users. Will be fixed
     before the next release.
   * Normal: If this issue scratches the itch of any particular
     developer, then they should help to solve it and provide a patch.
   * Low: If this issue bothers you, then fix it because it is not a
     high priority for the project.

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