Bryan Pendleton wrote:
Hi Army,
I believe I've successfully applied the XML patches in
DERBY-688 and built them using the normal build techniques
that I use for Derby.
When I try to run, I see the exception below.
org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException: The resource [
file:////org/apache/xalan/serialize/XMLEntities.res ] could not load: access denied
Can I ask what version of Xalan you are using? You should be able to figure
this out by following the directions here:
If you are just using the version that is part of Sun jdk 1.4.2, then I think
there is a bug in that version of Xalan that is causing this error. I think
it's related to XALANJ-1643 (type that in your Jira "Quick Search" box) and has
been fixed in Xalan version 2.5 and later (based on the comments in that issue).
When I removed my external version of Xalan and just ran with the one that's
embedded in Sun 1.4.2, I see this error, too. When I take the steps to override
the jdk's version (which is a bit odd; see:
with a newer version (I'm using 2.6), the problem goes away.
Does this solve the problem for you?
Thanks for bringing this up--I guess we are either going to have to document
that Xalan 2.5 (or whatever the specific version is) is required in order for
this to work, or else I'm going to have to figure out an alternative. But that
said, I think this is just an issue when running with SecurityManager; I tried
to run some of the SQL/XML statements in the tests manually and they all worked;
my manual tests did not use the SecurityManager.
Please let me know if the above solution works for you, or if you have any other
problems. Thanks for trying this out and for your patience as we track this down...