David Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, Army, thanks for these docs. Really good reference sections. It
would be really helpful to provide a reference to the XQUERY/XPATH
syntax and semantics. These semantics are quite new to me and it was
hard to even follow your examples, let alone know how to do more complex
things. I recognize this is not the place to document it, but a
reference would be great.
Hi David,
I included some references to the relevant specification in the _v2 HTML
document for XMLEXISTS and XMLQUERY operators:
XPath: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath
XQuery: http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/
Are you suggesting that additional referferences be provided? If so, what other
kinds of references would you like to see?
Re: SQL State/message additions. I have a utility that generates the
appropriate documentation for SQL States by extracting directly out of
the message file using the ErrorMessages VTI. So no need to manually
insert these new SQL States (although it would be good if you could
verify they got in when I submit the patch).
Okay, thanks for letting me know. The only trick is that I haven't yet posted
the patch with the new SQLSTATEs in it. If I can manage to do that later
tonight, will that be in time for them to be picked up before you run your
utility and submit your patch?
Thanks (again) for taking the time to review the examples and for trying them