Laura Stewart wrote:
> The instructions on the Derby site say to download forrest (which I
> did) in the following path:
> C:\Authoring\Forrest\apache-forrest-0.7
> The next step says to use the forrest seed command.
> Nothing happens, the system doesn't recognize this command.

ah! The derby instructions need to be more explicit and say for that
first step "Install Forrest and configure it according to the Forrest

> So I went to the Forrest site.
> Their instructions are somewhat different. They mention setting an
> environment variable for FORREST_HOME. On Windows, is this a user
> variable or a system variable?  I tried adding it (to both) and
> rebooted, but when I try
> the command that they recommend (forrest -projecthelp) I get
> a message indicating that the path/directory is too long (seems odd to me)
> The exact message is:
>   C:\Authoring\Forrest\apache-forrest-0.7\bin>forrest -projecthelp
>   The input line is too long.
>   The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
>   Apache Forrest.  Run 'forrest -projecthelp' to list options
>   The input line is too long.

Here's an f7_env.bat file I just created on Windows XP:

set JAVA_HOME=C:\IBM\Java142
set FORREST_HOME=c:\apache\apache-forrest-0.7
set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx512M

I then executed that file in a DOS shell to set the variables:


Incidently, the ANT_OPTS option is specifically for building the derby
web site -- if that isn't set, then you'll likely run out of memory when
you build the web site.

(*Incidently, says to
set ANT_OPTS to -mx512M, and that didn't work for me just now on
Windows. I did a google search and found info to change that to -Xmx512M
. Has anyone else noticed this?)

At any rate, after setting up my environment this way, I was able to run
'forrest -projecthelp', 'forrest seed', and 'forrest site' in the derby
site directory.

> Also the impression that I have from the Forrest site is that you
> download forest to one path but you seed a different path

Yes; you install the product in one place (in my case, I installed
forrest in c:\apache\apache-forrest-0.7), set FORREST_HOME to point to
that location and add FORREST_HOME\bin it to your PATH. Then you run
forrest in another location where there is a web site to build.

'forrest seed' creates a new web site. That step is in the derby
instructions purely to get developers comfortable with running forrest.

'forrest site' is what you run to actually build the derby web site.

> Any help on getting this working will be appreciated...

keep asking questions! If you have that question, most likely others do too.


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