Laura Stewart wrote:
> Another question. In my XML tagging, I am trying to use the <literal>
> tag, but forrest isn't accepting it. Does the tag need to be declared
> somewhere for it to be accepted?
> The reason that I am using that tag is so that I can show the DITA
> tagging with the <> symbols, for example
> <prolog><metadata></metadata></prolog>.  It is my understanding that
> <literal> will let me do that...unless you can recommend another tag?

<literal> isn't in the forrest dtd -- is that maybe part of dita?

At any rate, forrest has <code> and <source> tags. Here's the docs for
the dtd (and howto's and faq's are on the left hand nav of this page):

So <code> is inline:

   Set the <code>PATH</code> environment variable to include ...

And <source> sets stuff off in a separate block:

   <source>mkdir MyDir
   cd MyDir
   forrest seed

With the <code> and <source> tags you probably have to use &lt; for <
and &gt; for > . And you can probably avoid that by using CDATA:

  <source><![CDATA[Put your text here.]]></source>

I hope this helps.



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