Bryan Pendleton wrote:

Hi Army,

I put a few notes into the Jira issue, but basically I didn't
encounter any problems with your second patch.

Thank you for reviewing the patch, Bryan, and for the comments. I noticed that you wrote "basically" here and that you said "in general" in your comments for the Jira. Is there anything in particular about the patch that is prompting these qualifiers? Feel free to let me know if there's something you'd like to see changed--I'm open to making the patch better where possible.

Is this patch ready for commit? If so, I'll go ahead and commit it.

I haven't heard anything from anyone else about the patch, and so far as I know no one else is reviewing it. So yes, I think this patch is ready for commit (thanks for offering!).

Note that if you do have some suggestions about how to make the patch better, we could still commit the current (_v2) patch and then I can post a follow-up to address your suggestions (similar to what was done for DERBY-1976).

Thanks, as always, for being so willing to review and commit.  I appreciate it!


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