Hi, Luigi.  Another pot-shot from the side :)

I think it's great you are already submitting some code!  Very impressed!

I'd review this, except it's really not my area of expertise. Heck, I'll look at it anyway.

But I wanted to alert you to how Apache communities work. You may proudly submit some feature like this, and ask for a review. Then what you get instead is deafening silence. Bummer!

But don't take it personally. Your job is to be the squeaky wheel. If you don't hear anything (give it 72 hours), send out a gentle reminder for someone to please review.

I really think that there is interest in this, so hopefully someone will pay attention who knows this area better than I, and commit it.

I'll take a look, too, and see what initial issues I find.

Thanks for doing this, Luigi!


Luigi Lauro wrote:
Submitted new updated files.

My focus has now expanded into first of all providing a new BaseStorageFactory, with a simpler approach in order to allow easier implementations development (a StorageFactory will only have to provide a couple of CRUD persistence methods, opposed as it is now

I'm waiting for some feedback now if possible, in order to fix a possible 'wrong approach' before investing too much time into a wrong way of doing stuff, since I know so little of derby internals presently.

I'm also still waiting for an answering regarding possible derby minimum size (check my other thread, this is something I need to know in order to understand if a JNLP implementation is really usable or not...).

Thanks for any help.


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