Army wrote:

I haven't been following this discussion at all, but for what it's worth, this same sort of question came up in the context of DERBY-3299. I went with the simple approach of dropping the old index and creating the new one, so some logic for that kind of thing is now in the 10.4 codeline. I plan to build on that a bit more for DERBY-2204, though the latter changes probably won't be in for 10.4.

The changes for DERBY-3299 are entirely language-layer, but perhaps it's something that can be used here? Again, I don't really know since I haven't been on top of this issue, but I thought I'd mention it...

Looks like I will have to recreate index while setting the column to nullable. The backing index, when the column was not null, will be a unique index but the new index is going to be unique when not null type. So it won't be proper to replace existing references of the current index by the new one. I will intead drop the index with recreate set as true (so a new index will be automatically created if its required) and create a new index for exclusive use of unique constraint.


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