John Embretsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

... is fast approaching (2008-02-29)

Is this still a reasonable date, or should we consider delaying it?

Here is the current status (based on what I know):
JMX                      On track
JMX is on track per se, as it has not been defined what exactly will be part of
10.4. However, this is still work in progress, but I guess it is up to you as
release manager to decide what to let into the release or not.

It is, but some JMX stuff has already been committed, hasn't it. And
since what Derby offers through JMX isn't regulated by a standard, I
would think that you have quite a bit of leeway in terms of defining
when the feature is complete... :)

I'm trying to add Java security manager checks (DERBY-3462) to the JMX MBeans so that security is not compromised by the addition of JMX. While I'm not blocked by DERBY-2109, if I proceed ahead of DERBY-2019 committing code JMX related permission code then any DERBY-2109 patch will have to re-worked again. However since there doesn't seem to be any activity on DERBY-2109 I may just go ahead anyway.


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