I would rather wait for an approved standard so that we don't later
get caught with apps depending on a non-standard behavior that we
might want to change in the future to meet a standard.

From the provided info it does not even look like there is a defacto
standard adopted by multiple db's.


Dag H. Wanvik wrote:
Hi folks,

I have a working patch sitting on DERBY-4208. I am wondering if this
is a fix we should consider including for 10.5.2?

The pro argument is that this is a usability issue, and to the extent
it forces the app to construct SQL on the fly, makes the app more
vulnerable to injection attacks, at least in theory. A user has asked
for it.

On the contra side, we have the fact that dynamic arguments are not
allowed by the SQL standard for this construct, at least not yet.

Personally I think it's a nice extension.



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