Kathey Marsden wrote:
Mike Matrigali wrote:
I would rather wait for an approved standard so that we don't later
get caught with apps depending on a non-standard behavior that we
might want to change in the future to meet a standard.

From the provided info it does not even look like there is a defacto
standard adopted by multiple db's.
I tend to agree that it is better to wait for a standard. This still seems all over the place for the different database product implementations and not yet even in a draft standard.
Well it is in the standard for 2008

<result offset clause> ::=
OFFSET <offset row count> { ROW | ROWS }
<fetch first clause> ::=
FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ <fetch first row count> ] { ROW | ROWS } ONLY

So why not support it?

personally, if you can easily support some of the other variants, i would do that as well. Just because something is not in an official standard, it indirectly becomes a standard when implemented by multiple vendors...

Don't get me wrong, standards are important, but so is making applications easier to use and migrate from one platform to another




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