On 6/22/06, Rick Hillegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Last week, Sun Microsystems announced that it will bundle Derby with the
next major release of the reference jdk, Java SE 6, also known as
Mustang or jdk1.6. If you download the latest Mustang build, you will
see that it contains our Derby snapshot in the "db" directory
parallel to "lib" and "bin".

Is this Derby or JavaDB ? I've had a quick look at the JDK, and I
could not find a single link to the Derby project (nor to JavaDB for
that matter), only a NOTICE stating that Derby is included. I think
this should be changed, so that the unwary JDK user exactly knows
where to look for info. Perhaps a README file would be the best place
Also, I think the version info given should be more detailed by
stating the exact Derby version (e.g. 10.2.0) once the JDK is
finalized (probably in the README). I imagine that the Derby update
cycle will synchronize somewhat with the JDK update cycle, and then
the revision number (third part of the version number) becomes

Btw, to which files does the COPYRIGHT containing an IBM copyright
notice refer to ? A search in the Derby sources did not bring up any
source copyrighted by IBM.

This is big news. It means that over the course of the next year, Derby
will turn up on the desktops of millions of developers. Hopefully,
Derby's user and developer communities will both grow dramatically.

Just out of curiosity, what is the reason that the JDK bundles a
database (and the JRE does not) ? I mean, there was quite a few
criticism in the blogosphere, so could you perhaps elaborate a bit ?


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