I think this was actually meant to go to a different Andrei (sorry Andrey)

On 9/6/07, David Van Couvering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I can actually answer some of these questions :)
> On 9/6/07, Ken Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks David for sending this.
> >
> > Let me note a few questions:
> >
> > 1.  when one creates a new database,
> > is the database created with a certain encoding that will be used ?
> >
> > And if so, is that encoding that of the locale I am in when I run
> > the create database commands or is it utf-8 always ?
> > (for example, for one of the Japanese locales of Solaris, the encoding of it
> > is euc-jp)
> >
> > or could it be that of the encoding of the locale the actual dbase server
> > is started in ?  (which might be java's view of the users locale/encoding
> > which would be I think the same as the OS locale user is in)
> >
> > I saw this from derby docs:
> > "To support users in many different languages, Derby's SQL parser
> > understands all Unicode characters and allows any Unicode character or
> > number to be used in an identifier."
> >
> > but I don't know if it means that there is no concept of an encoding
> > for a database itself or not.
> >
> > I think with Oracle for example, there is an argument to create database
> > that lets one specify the encoding of it.
> >
> This question stumps me, I'll leave it to others...
> >
> >
> > 2.  The locale the user is in when starting derby server -
> > what things are affected by that - ie encoding of dbase, messages to
> > user (if translated), time, date, etc ?
> > (vs user needing to set separate variables or properties)
> >
> I don't know what "encoding of the dbase" means, but the other display
> stuff: exception messages, time and date and money formats, etc., are
> all controlled by locale.
> > 3.  I think its allowed for identifiers like database names,
> > table and column names, to have non ascii in them, if proper
> > quoting is used when referring to them  ?
> >
> Yes, that's right.
> >
> > Thanks - Ken
> >
> >
> > David Van Couvering wrote:
> >
> > >Hi, all.  I am getting some questions from Ken Frank NetBeans
> > >internationalization quality team about Java DB and character set
> > >encodings.  Rather than try and play go-between, I'm including him
> > >here so he can directly ask any follow-on questions.
> > >
> > >Ken would like to understand how Derby makes use of character
> > >encodings, and how it is affected by  various settings.  How does
> > >Derby handle things if the encoding is set to something different from
> > >our default of UTF-8?  Are we impacted, or do we rely on Java routines
> > >such as the Collator and Comparator class to handle this?
> > >
> > >Sorry if I'm talking out my ear, i18n is not one of my fortes.
> > >
> > >Thanks,
> > >
> > >David
> > >
> > >
> >

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