
I was wondering whether it would be possible to debug java stored procedures
loaded into the database in a jar file using the eclipse debugger.

Debugging of my java stub program works fine, but when trying to step into the
callable statement by which the java procedure call is envoked, eclipse says
'source not found' and offers a button to edit the source lookup path. In the
dialog becoming available when using this button there is an option to add a
references to 'external archives' RESIDING ON A FILE SYSTEM, but when I
reference the jar file (which btw is on the file system of the Linux server to
which I am connected via a samba share and which) I loaded into the database the
message 'source not found' keeps reappearing. So I was wondering if there is a
way to debug jar files loaded into the data base or how what I am trying to
achieve can be accomplished.


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