
I need to come back to this subject after many hours of trying to get this to 
run over the weekend....

I have followed Bryan's advice to my previous post (some weeks ago) and moved 
to an embedded database scenario as suggested as this was supposed to remove 
the complexity involved when trying to debug in a network server environment. 

However, I was still not able to actually step into the stored procedure code
for debugging as Eclipse always tells me it can't find the source path to the 

Using an embedded data base have tried to just step through the code of a 
procedure that does work perfectly fine. The debugging works well up to 
the point where the callable statement is executed and where I would need
to step into this call for further debugging. 

I have tried two approaches:
1) stepping through when the corresponding code resides on the filesystem 
2) stepping through after loading the jar file into the data base.

In both cases the debugger doesn't show the source as it tells me it can not 
find the path to the source code (even if I include the jar as external jar
or if I include the folder on the filesystem which holds the class into the 
eclipse classpath)

Help would be really be appreciated as being able to use the debugger 
would be a dramatic help and improvement for me.


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