Thomas Mueller <> writes:

> By the way, I also have a problem with benchmark results published by others:


> - Derby: at various conferences, for example JavaOne 2007 and Jazoon
> 2007, Derby included benchmark results for Derby and MySQL where Derby
> won, but strangely the benchmark source code is not available. I asked
> but I was told it's not possible to make it open source... hard to
> believe if you ask me. The presentations are available at

Hi Thomas,

The test clients used to produced those results were later reimplemented
and contributed to Derby. You can try them out by putting
derbyTesting.jar from a recent Derby release on the classpath and run:

    java org.apache.derbyTesting.perf.clients.Runner

That should list the various options you can pass to the test. The
graphs in the JavaOne and Jazoon presentations show results from tests
that were equivalent to running the open-sourced test with the
sr_select, sr_select_big, sr_update and sr_update_big load options.

Knut Anders

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